Prearo, Massimo

Massimo Prearo is a research fellow in the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona; Marie Curie Fellow (2013-15) at the PoliTeSse Research Center/politiche e teorie della sessualità of the University of Verona, where he currently serves as scientific director; author of Le moment politique de l'homosexualité. Mouvements, identité et communautés en France (PUL, 2014), La fabbrica dell'orgoglio. Una genealogia dei movimenti LGBT (ETS, 2015) and, with Sara Garbagnoli, La crociata "anti-gender". Dal Vaticano alle manif pour tous (Kaplan, 2018).


Discourses and Practices of Identity between Transformative and Conservative Politics — Massimo Prearo