FREUD2LACANDeveloped by Après-Coup member Richard G. Klein, this website is an archive of bilingual (English-French) texts of Lacan, some of which are well-known but are published only in English in obscure journals and others he has commissioned translators to prepare an English translation. FREUD2LACAN also features about 70% of the Standard Edition of Freud in a bilingual form (English-German) as well as some bilingual texts of Freud that were not previously available in English. As a result of reading Lacan, Richard has also prepared bilingual texts of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.

STAFERLA  Séminaires de Lacan


Agincourt Press

A.L.I Association Lacanienne Internationale

Associaçao Psicanalitica de Porto Alegre

Convergencia - Movimiento lacaniano por el psicoanálisis freudiano

Convergencia Congress 2023   

Corpo Freudiano

Ecole de psychanalyse Sigmund Freud

Ecole lacanienne de psychanalyse

Escuela Freudian de Buenos Aires

Espace analytique

Essaim revue de psychanalyse

laPsus calami

Le cercle freudien

L’instance lacanienne

Mayéutica Institucion Psicoanalitica